Would you like to know more about BSN in healthcare?
Check www.infoBSNzorg.nl or call the Service Desk of the information point on tel. 0900 – 232 43 42 (€ 0.01 per minute).
General Practitioners Emergency Post Eastern South Limburg
Check www.infoBSNzorg.nl or call the Service Desk of the information point on tel. 0900 – 232 43 42 (€ 0.01 per minute).
Of course we can help you. But it is necessary that you come by at a later time with your identification. We are obliged to check your BSN. Without your BSN, we cannot request your medical data from healthcare providers other than your GP.
You must identify yourself with your passport, identity card, alien’s card or driver’s license. This also applies to children. Young people aged 12 to 14, who do not want their parents/guardians to be aware of the visit to the GP emergency room, can identify themselves with their school card.
We are required to register your Citizen Service Number (BSN). The BSN is a unique personal number. It is used for reliable exchange of medical data and it prevents mistaken identity.